

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Who Says?

Hey everyone!  It's been on the news, in magazines, everywhere: Teenagers are committing suicide because of bullying! People like Pheobe Prince and many others have been bullied. Even though I'm not a teen I want to reach out to the people who have been bullied, don't listen those bullies. Listen to the words in this song, "Who Says". It means no matter how much they hurt you, you should realize "Yeah, it's tough but, I don't need to risk my life just to stop it." Tell your parents or an adult if you are harmed or threatened by bully. And to the bullies out there just stop no how cool you think you might you're really not. People may feel offended and feel bad about themselves. We are all human beings and all deserve to live a good life and we're all special in our own different ways. So, "Who Says?".